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Brand and Logo Policy

Because Good Market is a digital commons with a community curation process, there are restrictions on how the brand and logo may be used. 

Good Market Logo

The standard Good Market logo, shown below, is not permitted for public use.
Good Market logo landscape
Good Market Logo portrait

Good Market Approved Logo

The Good Market Approved logo can be downloaded from an approved enterprise’s account page and is the only logo eligible for public use. Approved enterprises are able to use the Good Market Approved logo on product packaging, promotional materials, and websites associated with a Good Market approved enterprise. 

Only Good Market approved enterprises with a public profile in the Good Market directory are eligible to use the Good Market Approved logo or make claims about their status as a Good Market approved enterprise.


By using the Good Market Approved logo, enterprises confirm the following:

  • They meet the Good Market minimum standards.
  • They are currently Good Market approved.
  • They are accurately representing the current status of their organization, their products, and their services.
  • They understand that misrepresentation will negatively affect the reputation of Good Market and their brand.
GM Logo Approved

Initiatives and Events

Good Market approved enterprises are encouraged to organize collective campaigns, initiatives, and events. Enterprises may describe these campaigns, initiatives, and events as “organized by the Good Market community.” Using the standard logo or the Good Market name in a manner that suggests the campaign, initiative, or event is directly endorsed, organized, or run by Good Market is prohibited. 
If all participating enterprises are currently approved with public profiles in the Good Market directory, the Good Market Approved logo can be used in promotional materials. 
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